Auto Hollmann – Collision Center
Experts for U.S. cars – all models
Stop by and visit the Auto Hollmann Collision Center in Mainz-Kostheim. The combined experience of twenty collision/paint technicians ensure that your vehicle is fixed right first time. Hollmann Auto Centers feel that the employees are their strongest asset so they work very hard to keep up to date with the training standards. Techs are ASE, I-CAR, and factory trained along with various accomplishments from the major paint manufacturers.
Just a few of the services offered by Auto Hollmann
- Free computerized estimates without an appointment.
- Direct repair shop with most major insurance companies.
- State of the art Garmat down draft climate controlled paint booth and prep station.
- Drive on frame and unibody straightening rack for both full frame and unitized vehicles
- Own paint mixing system to match even the toughest colored vehicles.
- Complete line of repair offered including engine repair and alignments.
- 24 hour towing at 0171-6538059
- Repairs on all makes and models.
- Lifetime warranty on all workmanship by owner.
- Inexpensive transportation/loaner vehicle. Accurate Measuring System
- All OEM Parts come direct from USA (US Warranty) Delivery each week
Ford Mustang – Repairs & Restorations – a specialty
Auto Hollmann – Mainz-Kostheim
Auto Hollmann & Sohn GmbH, Hochheimerstrasse 111 , 55246 Mainz Kostheim
Tel.: 06134-3381
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